Event Date: May 13–19, 2018

Dear Future Me – Full Length (NPW 2018)

Making Each Day Count!

During National Prevention Week (May 13–19, 2018) live your life to the fullest and make each day count.  National Prevention Week is an annual health observance dedicated to increasing public awareness of, and action around, substance abuse and mental health issues.   The observance is held each year during the third week of May—near the start of summer, an important time for school, communities, and prevention professionals to re-focus on prevention.  Adolescents and full-time college students most often use substances for the first time during June or July, according to SAMHSA National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) data.

Each day of National Prevention Week focuses on a specific health theme. The themes for National Prevention Week 2018:

  • Promotion of Mental Health & Wellness (Monday, May 14)
  • Prevention of Underage Drinking & Alcohol Misuse (Tuesday, May 15)
  • Prevention of Prescription & Opioid Drug Misuse (Wednesday, May 16)
  • Prevention of Illicit Drug Use & Youth Marijuana Use (Thursday, May 17)
  • Prevention of Suicide (Friday, May 18)
  • Prevention of Youth Tobacco Use (Saturday, May 19)

The three primary goals of National Prevention Week are:

  • Involve communities in raising awareness about behavioral health issues and implementing prevention strategies;
  • Foster partnerships and collaboration with federal agencies and national organizations dedicated to behavioral and public health; and
  • Promote and disseminate quality behavioral health resources and publications.

Promotion of Mental Health & Wellness: Saturday, May 20